Congratulations on your selection as a finalist for the 2025 R.T Nelson Awards for Sculpture

To confirm your selection please fill out this form and submit by 4pm, 14 November, 2024.
Please read the terms and conditions, and the timeline below, carefully before confirming your participation

Artist Confirmation 2025

Selected finalists for the 2025 RT Nelson Awards for Sculpture must fill in this form in order to confirm their participation

I confirm that I will participate as a finalist for the 2025 RT Nelson Awards for Sculpture(Required)
I have read and I accept the Terms and Conditions listed below(Required)
I agree to follow the timeline below(Required)


  1. Artists must be a living New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  2. Previous recipients of the Premier Award are NOT eligible if they have won the award from 2021 – 2024
  3. Previous recipients of a Highly Commended Award are eligible
  4. If you are selected as a finalist, you will submit a sculpture specifically for the awards: it will not be shown publicly or sold prior to the awards
  5. Artworks must be new, original and not a copy of someone else’s art
  6. Finalists’ artworks will be exhibited within the NZ Art Show 29th May – 1st June 2025 where they will be available for sale.
  7. Artworks are subject to a price limit of $10,000
  8. A 25% commission will apply on sold artworks
  9. Plinth-based works must fit within a 600 x 1000mm space. Artists may provide their own plinth
  10. Wall-hung artworks must fit within a 1m wide parameter
  11. Each artwork must be able to be carried comfortably by one person
  12. Images of the artist and artworks may be used as part of publicity for the awards and the NZ Art Show:  this includes, but is not limited to, flyers, posters, billboards, social media, website, news articles and promotional activity. As this publicity forms part of the marketing strategy for the awards, artists will not receive remuneration for the use of their images
  13. All artists will be responsible for their taxation and GST liabilities. Artists who are not GST registered will be charged GST on the commission
  14. Any breach of these terms may result in withdrawal of the artist from the awards


NOVEMBER 14: Finalists’ Confirmation. Please fill and submit the confirmation form by this date.

MAY 1: Details of Sculpture Submission. You will be emailed a link to a form to fill out, providing details of your sculpture.

MAY 8: Submission Forms Due. You must complete the submission form by this date

MAY 15: Jpeg images of Artworks Due. These are required for our website and promotional purposes once the winners have been announced

MAY 26 & 27: Delivery of Sculptures. Artworks will need to be delivered to TSB Arena, Wellington for judging and exhibition. Artworks that are delicate, awkward to handle, or require assembly will need to installed by artist on the 27th.

MAY 29 – VIP and Gala Evening: Exhibition Open to Friends and Sponsors. All sculptures will be for sale and attendees will vote for their favourite work for the People’s Choice Award

MAY 30 to JUNE 1: Exhibition Open to the Public. All sculptures will be for sale and attendees will vote for their favourite work for the People’s Choice Award

MAY 30: Winners Announced. At a time to be confirmed. The judges will announce the winners in the awards gallery at the NZ Art Show. All finalists are invited to attend.

JUNE 1 -3: Collection of Artworks:
Sold artworks: the NZ Art Show will be responsible for delivery of sold artworks to their purchasers EXCEPT for artworks that are delicate, awkward to handle, or require assembly: these will need be to un-installed on June 1 and delivered to purchaser by the artist

Unsold artworks: to be hand-collected or couriered from the venue.